Friday, June 24, 2011


哈!好久都没在这里部落格了!哈哈!很惊讶吧?我竟然还会在这里文字~ 是的!最后一次的心情日记!呵呵!今天不知道为什么会突然想到想要在这里写一下~或许这会是最后一次~ 因为我不会再开这个部落格了!说真的,这个部落格我维持了一年多罢了~我想,我是从他开始,才拥有这部落格的吧!如果我没记错的话~ 啊哈!也因为这样,写的东西多数都是关于他的~ 开始写了几个月过后,就停了~ 因为每次一上线,找人聊的都是他。。我们可以聊很久!而且每天我都期待着回家~ 因为只有这样才可以了解才可以知道更多关于他的~ 让我觉得我更靠近他!就只是单纯的,想要和他聊聊天~ 因为我们都很少见面嘛~ 有时一个月都见不到两次。。总共来说,我想,我们见面的次数连二十次都没有吧?不是吗?他所谓的距离。。或许~

或许就是这样,我更加地想念他!没的见面就只好信息了~ 每天信息!就连自己上着厕所都还在信息!哈哈!想起来都觉得好笑!好像一秒都不能不信息他那样!整天手里都拿着电话!之前没手提电话的时候,尤其是晚上!每一分每一秒都在等着家里电话的铃声想起!就只为了和他说几句话~ 我知道一直以来,打电话给我的都会是他~ 我很少打~ 因为我会想到,如果我打过去了我的电话钱就会没有了!然后就不能和他信息!我们唯一的联络方式就只是信息~ 我也没额外的零用钱~ 当时我想到的是那样的~ 渐渐地。。我也离不开电话了。。每个时刻都在信息。。他所谓的压力?或许吧~

一点小事就介意,伤心,不爽,吃醋的都不会是我~ 每次发脾气投诉的也不是我。。有时还真觉得我比较男生~ 哈哈!而我也没怎样~ 就只是安慰表明道歉和一一解释~ 每次的不爽之后,他都会和我道歉,我也没说什么。。只会说没关系~ 但是每句没关系背后,我都在哭泣。。可是还会死撑不让他知道~ 我想,我没有一次是和他说过,我哭了。。我知道这是我的优点~ 一直都是~ 即使是现在也都还是一样!我坚强!哈哈!之前,真的,爱他有超乎我所想象的~ 比爱自己还多~ 因为这样,我更关心他!他可以因为看韩国节目而熬夜,而我,也可以因为他而不睡觉~ 他还没睡我就不睡~ 呵呵!又是一个大白痴我!我性格硬!就算他拼命叫我睡我也不去!结果搞到他也没得看韩剧了~ 哈哈!或许,这就是他所说的约束?我想是了。。或许我真的把他绑得太紧!甚至连我自己都不知道!或许就是这样。。我们分了。。分,是我说的~ 至少留下一点自尊心给自己吧!反正人家已经说得很明了。。

说真的,很多次了。。哭了很多次。。他从来都不知道。。我是有多难熬。。难熬得甚至很少能有一天是睡得开心舒服的。。因为那样,我变得更坚强了~ 每天禁止自己哭泣!尤其是晚上~ 因为晚上太寂寞了~ 很难控制泪水~ 因此,所有的痛苦不快乐不开心我都只好写在这个部落格里。。因为我只想把它说出。。可是这全部都是以前以前了~ 我现在真的快乐很多~ 我很喜欢现在的生活~ 啊哈!每天都有那笨蛋刘国安的陪伴和关心,我真的比之前幸福快乐很多很多~ 伤心的都没有了~ 只是偶尔我会为了什么东西而生气那笨蛋,可是还是忍不住,就没气了~ 反而哭了~ 哈哈!而且还是两个人一起哭!真的笨蛋!哈哈!想起都好笑!以前还因为爱着他而拒绝了那笨蛋!还好那笨蛋有第二次的表白~ 要不然我想,我们还没在一起吧?哈哈!第二次的,我没有立刻表示接受~ 因为那时还害怕着恋爱~ 怕怕会突然再有个人丢下我不理~ 好还有你,刘国安他那大笨蛋!一直都在陪着我~ 让我再次感受到爱~ 慢慢的。。想念他的日子也逐渐地少了~ 就算现在有时还会不经意地想起,可是都只是一下子就没了~ 也没感觉到怎样~ 就是没感觉了~ 呵呵!之前的我,时时刻刻都在害怕我们将会有结束的一天。。可是现在的他,从没让我感到害怕~ 在他身边,我感到有很大的安全感保护着我~ 因为我知道,我们会一直都在一起!一直一直!=)

这是我记录在我电话里的一段话~ 分手当天写的~ “以后,没你给我拥抱。。没你给我甜蜜。。没你陪我聊天。。没你陪我一起笑。。没你陪我分享不开心。。没你喂我吃东西。。没你和我同喝一杯饮料。。没你帮我绑鞋带。。没你帮我拿重重的东西。。没你帮我取暖。。没你给我关心。。没你提醒我不要喝冷饮。。一切一切都没有你了。。”。这些所有的,现在的他都做到了!而且做得更多更好!那记录,我删除了。。一点有关于他的我都不留~ 因为,他不可能再到我的世界来~ 我的世界已经被那笨蛋占据了,而我也只允许他一人占据~ 啊哈!之前的我还拼命自责自己,为什么就要爱他?为什么这个为什么那个~ 很多很多的为什么。。甚至后悔我当初所做的决定,爱他。。可是现在我的想法不一样了~ 我很谢谢他~ 不是因为他,我就不会遇到一个更好的!因为他,让我遇到了一个更珍惜我更爱我,我更爱他的人~ 我也一样~ 我珍惜他,我珍惜和他在一起的每一分每一秒~ 我爱他,我会一直都爱他~ =)

其实,我那痛心难熬的日子,部落格是我最好抒发心情的朋友~ 不开心的都写在这里面,过后自然感觉会有点轻松了~ 我写在这里,也还有另外个原因~ 我想要他知道我的近况,知道我有多难受多伤心多不愿意!我不知道他当时是否还会关注我的部落格。。可是在我心里,现在那答案已经不重要了~ 就算有看没看我都不再在乎~ 我能确定的是,这篇一定没看!哈哈!因为我没写很久了~ 即使是我的粉丝都不知道都没看吧?哈哈!因为以前的他,我开了这部落格。现在,这部落格将会消失了~ 恩~ 所以,这是有史以来最长最多字的一篇!也是最后一篇!哈哈!让大家失望啦~

最后,我想说,我会幸福的~ ^^

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

for u.

when I see u smile..
i will feel want to smile too..
sometime even burst out into laugh just like that suddenly lol!
do u know it?
i like to watch over the way u laugh..
coz it proves that u like me ~^^~

hearing your voice..
i will unconsciously raise a smile..
i remember what u have said or told me..
even if I did forget some of them..
please dont blame it to me..
coz u know it..
my memory is not very good~ =P
especially for the road recognition lol!
that is why i am your stupid sopo lo! haha!

after u came back from there the national service..

i am happy for every day.. frankly i am~
coz you spend every each day with me..
just like u are always by my side accompany me..
even so
I still often think of u..
coz i need u so much!

now, i see and meet you at least once within a week..
even so I still want it more..
want to meet u every day.. haha.. greedy =P
however it is now unlikely to happen~ ahha!
just like u say.. unless I marry u~ lol!
stupid eh! haha! bleh!! solou!

em.. i was thinking.. when I was there..
i mean in national service there..

how would it be like?
3 months didnt have to see u..
it must be so strange and hard to pass through the days..
that the days i am without u..
i knew it coz i
have got waited for u in that 3 months..
I know.. it was really tough.. very miss u..
but i can wait it! not only that 3 months but for the eternity! =)
a long time ago.. I thought it was he to accompany me..
but in the end.. u are the one to accompany me..
really lucky.. the person with me is u..
i cherish..

coz of you..
my life has become happy again..
i wanted to say..
i really really like you!
if u do not mind..
i want to dominate you forever..
can i? =)

To the stupid, my solou. ahha!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


now, 169 days u have been away..
tomorrow it will be the last day of my thoughts about u..
and after that, i think i will have no missing to u anymore..
170.. it will be all ended and no more..
wounds.. injuries.. pains.. and sadness..
but frankly say, it has been so long that i have never thought of u..
since when the another he lived inside me..
so thank you that u able to go out from me..
without u.. i just found out my smile can be so beautiful..
my life can be still so good or even more better than it..
i was so glad that it was he..
the one who walked into my heart and healed me..
whom can really light up the darkness of my broken heart..
and make me feel the love once more again..
other than that, no whys..
i treasure it very much.. very very so much..
though i don know how long u and me.. the relationship can sustained..
or will u still wait and accept me after several years..
but now, i just know, u are with me, enough.
u belong to me..
even if the time was passing..
but u are still belong to me..
eternity.. is mine.. =)
u. the stupid. haha!

ps: when i look at u..
i can feel the happiness that i never ever feel to..
that's why i love to look at u so much! haha! bleh~

Saturday, March 12, 2011


aww.. i have seen the news that seriously earthquake and tsunami hit japan!
what a so shock and terribly horrible news.. so sad to know it..
ahha! many people have died and almost everyone of them has lost their homes..
i put my fingers crossed and prayed for them.. god bless them~ =)

hoho finally my countdown became one!
and tomorrow it will be turning to zero yay!
solou coming back SOON!! haha! =P
the same come back safe and healthy ahha!
and i gonna meet him tomorrow right after he came back!!
yea!!! eventually i can make it lol~
meet him on the first day he returning from the national service~
since i couldnt make it last time when he coming back at chinese new year~
so i am sososo expected to see him tomorrow! haha!
be careful my punch my beat and all lol! solou! =P
missing u. hehe~ ^^

Monday, March 7, 2011


yay~ he gotta back on next sun!
which means still have 6days left hehe~
finally my countdown number turns to single number haha!
i was so excited looking forwards for his returning~
but now i am thinking.. after he was coming back..
then it's my turn to go for national service jo..
haha.. donwan but have to wan it still..
it's so gloomy.. i donknow after few months when i heading back..
what would happen to u, me and everyone.. especially u..
i admit.. i always make things simple but i could think for so much..
sometime it was just too much.. over thinking and worrying..
before, when the number still in the bigbig number..
i so hoped it can be moved faster to the zero..
but then right now.. when facing the single number..
i started worrying.. the day is getting nearer and nearer..
the day that i need to tell him the real..
after the real what would happening..
i know.. i'll bring him the sadness for sure..
but that's what i don hope to see so..
i felt so sad for yesterday's thing..
though i don really know what words i have said
that made u felt so suspicious of me..
and doubted for the things i have said..
believe me.. i wont lie! =)

solou!!! stay strong always!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


ho.. he chatted with me.. he did chat!
omg! my illusion!? unbelievable!? amazing!?
but then.. should i happy? should i feel grateful for that?
the feeling at that time was really indescribable..
in a very sudden.. twinkling light at the taskbar..
unexpected.. it was he.. the one who i thought had disappeared..
i have hesitated for a while before opening his chatbox..
he? i have doubted of it.. is that he?
is that really he who was finding me to chat?
why he finds me to chat? it came so suddenly..
i opened it.. i have thought it for so long.. hardly type a hi..
again.. unexpected.. he replied me so fast..
before that.. i felt wanna cry.. but i couldn't.. i can't..
just a very short pain inside me.. then nothing..
i know it was all passed.. and i think i should happy..
coz finally he made a decision to start a chat with me..
yet.. he still looked me as his friend.. but it's only perhaps..
anyway i hoped we can still at least chat with each other..
coz there's no more i wanted.. from u.. =)


ho! again! so late havent go to bed! =o=
what has made me felt sleepless yet im now so jing shen lol~
just now i have seen his photos haha ya again seeing! =P
every photos of him will automatically make me have a natural expression~
look on his photo.. haha! solou look bintai look cute look all look also got!
some photo after i'd seen the first word came out from my mouth is.. solou! haha!
i just said it out so naturally and smiled in that so charming way lol!
but in between that one second.. i can turn a smile into a tear..
'lol what the hell is that?' are u all thinking like that?
ya! it's me.. stupid me! aww!~ miss him..

Monday, February 28, 2011

im blogging lol!

hoho so long didnt update my blog jo!
was it already covered with all dust and dirt? haha!
today i have assigned to the other class to teach the new students~
they are all the standard one lol they were all so lovely~
they are more easier to handle though there was so many people~
but then i am still more used to teach that 4 naughties ahha! haha!
though they were so naughty and like to make noise yet doing homework slow! lol~
i was still like to teach them and i enjoyed it!
this week would be their exam week so i think maybe next week..
all things will be returned to the original which i will teach back them! lol!
no wonder how will they answering and doing in their exams..
since they are weaker in every subjects as i know lol~
anyway i hoped they can carry out their exams with all the best luck!

this time again.. raining so heavily..
went back to home with nii with rushing messy manner.. haha!
our legs were all wet and fulled with thin sand.. aww.. dirty!
but we were still can take photos at the garden there lol! geng bo?! =P haha!
unfortunately some problem found.. the photos cant send to my com.. lol nvm ba!

yay! today is the last day of feb!! hehe! going to be the third month le~
tomorrow would be a brand new month brand new day! hoho!
and left 13 days!! rrrrrrr!! less than 2 weeks le!! ^O^
so expected your returning leh~
don know how was the consequence leh..
that perhaps you will be back earlier..
but i think it's not real or maybe there has not such thing at all..
ha~ solou gambatte neh!! left few days je to stay at that jail lol~ =P
after the march.. it will be a brand new life for me~ ahha!
coz the long-time-broken-heart should be all completely recover! =)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


today is my first day to work hehe as a part-time teacher~
it is quite bored but i did enjoy in it! enjoying teaching children lol~
i was in charge of looking after and helping them in their homework~
i have responsible for teaching four children~ lol phew~
three people are from year 3 and another one is from year 4~
sei go sei go dou hei boiboi!! omg!! girlgirl more easier to handle ba i thought..
they are active yet naughty lol~ luckily i can still handle them but quite tired la..
throughout the class i was like talking talking and still keep talking!
haha! coz they have too many things can say and tell!
though it is a teaching class but i think it is more like a chatting class lol!
teacher here teacher there haha!! i am being a teacher!! hoho!!
sharing our views and ideas about cartoons reading 'Tom and Jerry'~
laughing here and talking there it was damn funny haha!
from the first i thought it would be a tough thing to handle them
but i was wrong they are all very talkative playful and funny
though they were from the not-very-smart class ahha~
i have a fun yet tired day in my first day of work! hehe!
tomorrow let's we meet again ba children!! hahaha!! =P

Monday, February 14, 2011

i should fearless to it!!

cough! yesterday night your words really made me stunned..
my head has nothing inside.. mind was too chaotic..
yet i couldn't think of anything right at that time! sighed!
throughout the call i have said nothing much.. kept confusing..
many things appeared in my head but they were all eventually becoming nothing..
aww!! what the hell was the feeling of that!! completely damn it!!
fast fast fast! 27 days fast go!! i wanna meet u in real!! RAWR!!!
i wanna clarify and make clear of what actually my true feeling on you!!
ahha! ya! i want to remove the confusion of mine!
and i need to overcome my fear of love!
even i'm still feel scare of it but i should be confident!
no matter to myself or to him! coz i trust him. =)
but in these 27 days i have to get my car license as fast as i can!
and perhaps i will have to work.. i'm cashless what lol~
i stayed at home and did nothing for nearly one month haha..
so i think it's the time for me to get a part-time work~ =)
gambatte neh wonxue! and gambatte too solou! hehe!
get well soon from your dry cough~ =)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


psps neh the before-post i written it in damn moody state..
so please don mind it too much haha just some gek hei wa..
released all temper and moody emo on that stupid solou lol!
if he was there with me sure very cham le haha =P
yesterday i have outing with feng, only with him..
but i don think i was used to be have fun with him lol..
had a movie had a lunch~ finished! haha coz i wanna back~
this time i took monorel by my own phew~
almost got to the wrong platform lol but i eventually got right! hoho!
coz thought of the day when that solou with me..
we were walking down the stairs there very slowly~
then it reminded me of yay! here i should go! lol za dao..
and it gotta be 14 of feb after today.. which is valentine's day!!
lol wishing all couples have a lovely yet unforgettable valentine's day!!
haha and who were single, like me, haha have an enjoying day tomorrow!!
RAWR!!!! come on baby!!! come to me!!! haha!! =P
but i wondered wat is the feeling if celebrating valentine with the one u love?
lol i think it would be so sweet ba~ sweet till BOOM!! hehe!

Friday, February 11, 2011

what am i thinking?

30 days 30 days 30 days left!!!! hooray!!!! =P
these 30 days gonna pass so so so very soon!!
then u will be back! but then i asked myself.. 'so what?'
so what if u really got back from there?
what so special what so great after u were back?
i can do what?? after u were back i can do what?? ...
is it so important enough to wait for his returning?
so why i am so expected for your return?
even every day i making countdown for the day u back..
sometime i really wanna make the time goes faster pointed to 12am..
then it will be the next day.. and one day canceled..
i so happy that today it eventually turns to 30 days..
which mean it still have twenty more days to go..
but so what.. har?? after 30 days then so what??
wonder why i crying while writing this.... i so stupid!

Monday, February 7, 2011

u were going back..

oh~ long time i didnt update my blog~ haha!
coz recently this cny i was really damn busy..
busy with this busy with that~ ya! tat's why i was tired to update this..
tat solou has five days holidays in this cny..
but i have occupied two days of them lol..
though just two days being with him, i happy enough..
coz he was difficult to find time to be with me..

wed, i was back to my hometown.. so definitely i cant meet him though he was free..
thurs, he was going to melaka to visit his cousin though at tat time i was free.. lol
fri, his turn to go back to his hometown but just only stay for half day..
sun, he gonna back to pahang ordy so then left sat..
and he has earlier told his family to leave a day for him to be with his frens..
hehe wat a funny thing tat he said he must set sat as my day lol!
so then his whole sat was mine haha! =P

and at tat day i met him, leong chuen.. i just like stunned..
wth! hi.. smiled.. that's all.. lol actually i didnt see him..
but solou has seen him so then i saw him..
i felt amazing.. and solou asked me 'are u ok?'
lol ya! i was ok! utterly felt ok! at tat time after i have seen him my heart felt nothing!
hoho!! i felt nothing at all! no sad no sorrow no all tat feeling!!
in converse i felt glad to see him again and he seemed good =)
happy!!~~ was tat indicated tat i was able to let him go? haha i think so!

and right now, again, i am waiting for tat stupid to come back at march!
yeayeayea!! 34 days left ha! =P so i have to be used to it tat the day without u..
i know it will be bored but no way.. i will miss u~ =)
ga yao solou! no sick! no cough! no flu! and one more.. no heartache!
take care and byebye again haha =P solou!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

first day~

whoahoo~ cny woooooow~ lol
i got up so early today about 9am~
first thing look at my phone lol~ and i got his msg~
he was in the bus~ maybe he's now still in bus haha!
coz pahang to kl take a long time ba~ en~
after eat i think i ought to ready to go back to hometown jo..
nothing but first thing is to buy phone credit after at there..
yesterday expired lol but i have known it at the last minute..
so i cant msg or call anyone right now sobsob.. =P
anyway wishing all ppl happy chinese new year lo!! yay~!
and solou too! must come back home safely la~ ^^

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

tmr.. =)

psps yesterday i too tired..
didnt awake while updating my blog.. haha =P
left out some photos i havent uploaded..
here are they~ =)
tmr i gotta balik kampung jo..
i think is at about 12pm noon..
haizz.. at tat time solou is going back to kl ba..
anyhow.. welcome back solou! =P

Monday, January 31, 2011

CNY soon!!

29/1/11 sat, to sungai wang with nii~
and these are some photos tat i took on tat day =)
psps sunday i have no time to update my blog~
tat whole day i never even touch the keyboard lol!
today i am so tired too..
coz went to jusco with family..
and morning i have cleaned the house~
tired tired tired!! ha! =P
chinese new year coming soon~
the day after tomorrow is nian shan shi jo~
the day tat solou come back from ns too~
but we cant meet.. coz i need balik kampung! aww!
so so so so sad!! so i really hope sat u can have a day off!
don worry be happy ha! =P missing u!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

feel happy!

later i gotta hang out to sungai wang with nii~
so i am right now pre-write my blog or else
i wouldn't have the vitality and energy to update my blog today~
coz i will totally exhausted then batbat dinner last~ sleep~ lol!
pre-write.. hehe! what a smart girl i am~ phew~ =P
i think i wouldn't buy anything.. coz cashless.. ha!
just accompany nii to choose and buy her things..
what short pants what sexy what high heels blabla..
i envy leh~ can buy so many things plus she's not using her money lol~
aaaa!!!! never mind~ can help her choose leng ye good too haha =P
we enjoy much much and have a great time today lo nii~ muackkkk!!~
but! i am sure i am the one who waiting for u again..
just to wait u come out from your house.. = =
so hard u do it on time! never ever aww~~
na hoping u can prepare more faster today~
and today is saturday~~ hohohoho!! happy happy~~ =P
every day i am waiting saturday's coming haha!
damn damn damn miss him~ i mean, beat him~ lol ha!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


u have badly cough i thought..
coz u kept coughing in tat call..
i am so worry about u.. seriously worry..
the more u said you have nothing the more i worried..
anxious for u.. sighed sighed sighed! yish man!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

i beg it!

yesterday night before slept i had thought of him again..
i was unable to have any resistance to against it..
and it flashed across my head just like a nasty mosquito flying around..
i hate it! damn it! damn damn damn it!!
i was tired of tat.. really so tired..

can someone kindly tell me how love really is?..
sob.. we were moving away from each other farther and farther..
i insisted tat i had forgotten him..
coz without him i can still live well..
since from beginning i was just the only one..

i can only used to blame myself of being unideal to him..
i regretted.. very regretted tat i loved him..
innocence.. i didnt know wat love really was perhaps..
i thought.. for him i didnt do the enough best..
cant even fulfill his heart with all my loves and cares..
though i had done and gave them all..
instead i've had brought him pressures and constraints..
i really so sorry tat i had brought him so much unsatisfying..
i am really really sorry.. very very sorry..
so please.. your image.. please delete and erase..
please.. i really beg it.. T^T

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


lol it has been 4days i didnt update my blog~
i know some of u were so mad keen to read my new post phew! =P
haha! coz recently i have less online so less update it~
what i gotta say here is chinese new year is coming next week!
and i havent started any of my house clean-up..
aww.. i think probably we will start it this saturday~
and finish prepared all the things before monday~
but i have put all my expectations and eagerness on this festival!! lol~
coz he's gotta back from tat jail very very soon!! YEA!!
i am so very interested to see his botak look in real! haha!!
and see whether he got gained weight or chubby chubby~ lol~
and i wanna test whether he has became smarter after one-month-life at there~
but actually no need test him i also know the answer of it~ HAHA!
though we have chat once a week but i still miss seeing him~
he that stupid face and foolish smile~ lalala pui! haha! bleh!~=P
hoping tat he is really all right and full recovered today. en! stupid ga yao!

Friday, January 21, 2011

look at u ▪ i smile

woke up at 7am today.. unexpected right? haha!
just cannot continue to sleep after woke up..
so then had my breakfast which i normally called it as noon-breakfast lol~
after tat i online.. but don't know wat to do..
coz msn don't have anyone online-ing yet there have nothing on facebook..
deng deng deng then it came naturally tat i am here and starting my blogging haha!
just now at facebook.. i was seeing his photos repeatedly.. again and again..
sometimes i even stared at his photo for long.. i smiled.. in a very natural way..
and i got to realize it tat i miss him.. especially his smile.. it's so good to me~ =)
but at the same time tat damn question came again in my mind..
the question which could crash my head into pieces..
i have thought over it again and again.. but i still cant get the answer of it!
love like love like love like!! damn it!! it kills me!! yish!!
forget it!! i don wan bother of it anymore!! just let the answer it finds itself!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

100 days..

it was like a speedy ray of light..
so fast hundred days passed..
before time it was really hard to get through..
but i survived all of those pain! i did it!!
i have tuned up my mood my soul and my heart..
yet i have changed to a stronger girl haha.. i think ya..
it has been a while i haven't seen u..
never ever meet u face to face..
maybe we really have no fate at all..
and i think there have no chance for us to have a chat..
even just a little talk in a very short time..
coz u will thoroughly refuse to do so..
so i wouldn't bother or interrupt u..
not to annoy or trying to disturb u.. never ever..
exception: u come and disturb me lol..
so u can continue your things and i busy with my stuff..
best wishes for u to attain wat u wan to achieve~
and hoping u live happily and healthy~ =)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

let go..

i saw his messages this morning..
wat he wrote was mentioning to me?
i cant sure but i just have the same feeling..
anything about him i will still take notice of it..
i have been swear tat i wouldn't care him..
and wouldn't mind everything related to him anymore..
but my tears just keep rushing down my face when i saw his messages..
i bear not to give them flowing down but i cant even control myself..
i did feel pain of his messages.. it's painful..
tat was your decision chosen to leave me not to love me..
so you shouldn't wrote of that.. u shouldn't!
do u know that messages just will hurt me once again?..
u wanna made me cry huh?.. and u did it..
please.. let me go.. don't try to hurt me again..
i've got it enough.. it was miserably suffering..

Monday, January 17, 2011

undang PASS!

in the early of the morning.. i went for taking the undang exam..
but i have been told tat something like the system or pc was in repairing..
then i have forced to go back just to wait until 12pm and to come again..
sighed! got up so early yet got nothing and need to go home to wait..
aww.. then i went back and have a small sleep again haha coz tired..
normally i wake up at 11am but today i woke up at 7am just wan to take the exam..
but in the end i was asked to go back coz of some system damaged..
certainly it was normal tat i will have a down feeling and gloomy mood..

about 12pm i got there but those things were still in process.. aww..
but i was so lucky tat i met neeta at there and we have chatting~
same here~ she wan to take the undang exam too~ but it was her second time..
she failed in her first tried and got to take it again today..
we were waiting till the time showing at 3.. omg!! 3 hours we've been waiting!!
do u know how impatient to wait for so long?? haizz..
but eventually i got pass the undang~ neeta too~ thanks god blessing~ haha!
and wat i can tell is undang is just very easy to pass it! truly it is! lol~
and i'll have my another learning lesson on this saturday if have no any resistance~
YE! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! CARRRRRRRRRR! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I COME-ING! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! =P

Saturday, January 15, 2011


waiting beside the phone for the whole day..
looking at the small clock in phone.. big clock at living room..
the time was past as fast as the time u chat with me..
hoping his message would pop out from my phone..
and it came in the end tat i have got nothing.. aww..
but it doesnt even matter.. i think.. sigh! SIGH!!

oh baby!! finally your message came!!
yish!! tat stupid teacher don let them get back their phone..
yish yish yish!! stupid yer!! so late baru give back..
i gotta KICK him if i was there! yer!! hate!! heng!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

i was recovered!! oh yea!!

woohoo!! i have recovered from sick!! haha!!
do u know how suffering i was in tat past few days.. phew~
thanks to medicines~ lol coz of it i was recovered and became cheery again haha! yea! yea! yea! =P
unfortunately u! medicines! get far far away from me and don come again! siuh! lol =P
but psps my lovely baba mama coz i put them in the trouble in these few days..
and brought so much inconveniences to them.. muackk! love u! =)

i was thinking of yesterday the phonecall.. lol!!!
it really make me laugh everytime i was thought of it! haha!
haiyo.. i was so stupid r.. i cant even recognise their voices..
the phone number was 019- and it make me just thought of that guy..
this is coz that guy got too many phone numbers and always make me confused..

first call.. i just simply answered him coz i donwan talk so much with him..
yet i was eating at tat time and i wont stop it coz of him..
i just casually asked him to call again after 30 minutes..

second call.. the same phone number.. so definitely tat was him..
i answered it randomly.. oh ya oh really ohohoh.. = =
one thing i felt quite weird was his voice.. it was quite different today..
but the phone line was cut in the middle of our conversation..

third call.. moshi moshi~ oh!? oh!? so familiar? wat? har?
i confused and at the same time i got to know tat it was ahlaw..
omg!! wat the!! i still asking as a confirmation was tat he.. aww..
he was also very confusing coz of me haha! i was so stupid eh.. haiyo..
but he not bad too haha~ coz he thought i knew tat was him.. lol!!

i think it will be the most STUUPIDD dialogue ever in this world.. hahaha..
but after knowing tat was him i felt relaxed~ hu~
it is better tat he was the person who call me.. my mood was all back lol~
next time better he starts his conversation with ''moshi moshi'' ba.. hehe
or else i could not know who he really is la~ lalala =P haha! so stupid!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

i am so sick!!! aww!!

today i woke up at about 3am the time when everyone is still sleeping..
coz felt super uncomfortable in my stomach.. i felt wanna vomit..
then immediately got up and rushing to the toilet as fast as i can..
tat night i just keep rushing in and out of the toilet and kept on vomiting..
actually i gotta go for the undang exam today but i have forced to delay it..
whole night i was just clinging to the toilet and vomiting nonstop..
then afternoon baba brought me to the clinic and i having some medicine
which to stop me from vomiting again and eliminating my uncomfortable..
and i just ate one small bread for my lunch.. and a cup of milo..
coz i felt disgusting and didnt have the appetite to eat at all..
what i have eaten will vomit out.. here eating but there vomit..
it was so damn suffering.. it was really so hard to control myself from not to vomit..
yet i was just lying on the bed and sleeping for the whole day..
at about 5 mama brought me to the clinic again coz i was so sick..
my body was so hot.. badly fever.. omg i having bigbigbig fever!! aww..
conclusion.. i am so sick.. lol..
i think must be that stupid ahlaw always asking me not to get sick..
and then i really got sick! heng! i gonna crush u into pieces jo!! haha!
but nevermind la i think i will be recover very soon~ hehe =P
i am strong girl what haha! yea!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

yish! nightmares!

it was nearly about 8am when i got up from my bed yesterday..

an anonymous girl who was an unknown..
holding a long yet sharp needle in her hand..
kept in step with me yet she was chasing after me..
she followed very very closely to me..
and i have no idea about it so the only one thing tat i can do is to run..
my heart was racing and choking with fear..
i ran faster and she went even more quicken..
she make me frightened and my tears were flowing down my face..
i couldnt even understand why she wanna kill me..
and the worst thing is there was no one willing to help me..
i just kept running and running with my crying face..
it was the longest journey ever with no end..
i fell.. she got me.. she really got me!!
i forced to put up all my courage and struggling persistently with her..
at that time a ghost.. a terribly horrible ugly ghost was beside of us..
in a sudden it killed the girl.. who attempted to kill me..
and i know that the next person who was going to die is me..
so i trying to run but i cant.. i cant even merely move a cm..
i just keep my eyes closing with my hands.. with total fear..
BANG!! it was just a nightmares!! aww!!

though it was just a nightmares..
i still felt scared when i got up..
i cried.. they were so horrible..
it makes me really really scare..
but at last i could calm myself down..
sighed! i think the nightmares possibly came from the movie
tat i watched last time.. ghost yet killer.. lol..
it has been the second time tat i having nightmares
after he had left me oneself that night..
tat time i was crying.. not coz of the nightmares but is he..
he was not beside me it was no chance tat he can accompany me anymore..
he left me to face the scary alone.. i was oneself..
but now i have facing it with myself~ i am happy of tat~
coz i became strong~ i am a big big girl right now~ haha! =P
and i wouldnt cry again coz of u anymore.. yea!!~

haiyo.. i am wondering why i so expecting tat stupid call..
i think they will only have free when night ba..
nevermind~ i waiting waiting waiting~ u that stupid! bleh!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

u know it..

i will just on my phone and looking forward to his msg
every morning though i not yet get up from my bed.. lol
coz i know tat he will sent me a morning msg maybe more than one?
so everytime i was seeing his msg in an unconscious condition haha..
a lot words of take care.. reminding our promise the homework u given me..
drink lot of water dont get sick yet try the best not to make any accidents happen..
blablabla many more.. lol when he became so wordy ha? worry so much of me..
yet he spam spam spam STUPID to me! haha i know u are! bleh~
that is really no wrong that i keep calling u stupid! haha!

tonight is really the last day tat i can keep contact with him..
we have talked a lot since sunday through the phonecall..
and today i got to know that he has wasted a lot of money on our talking..
i just thought tat he has any special calling package perhaps
in order to call me so many times.. i did think like that.. but i was wrong..
i do feel a little embarrassed tat he wasted so much money just on me..
but in opposite i thought tat if he didnt call me.. hmm..
i think it is better he got call me ba.. haha =P
coz i do feel well and happy tat he called me and chatted nonstop with me..
frankly i so very very like to talk with him just coz he can make me laugh like hell!
sometimes i even cant stop myself from laughing and just kept laughing.. haha!
he is such a stupid! stupid ever! =P stupid stupid stupid! haha!

i miss the day tat i keep make u mad..
scolding u and just blaming everything to u.. haha
the day tat we can talk a lot.. smile a lot..
and i can casually beat u very very enough! lol!
feeling so damn good! haha! bully? yea a big powerful bully girl to him haha!
gotta bully him the time he came back when chinese new year hehe! =P
u know it.. i miss u..

Monday, January 3, 2011

last day of handphone..

many people have their own things to busy in this new year..
especially people who were after spm exam..
they got works they go for taking car learning lessons..
and some people have gone to the national service..
but i have got done nothing at home.. yea bored..
fortunately i spent my day with him.. just through sms-ing..

i got the information from other friends who were in NS too from facebook..
and got to know that today is the last day they can keep their own handphone..
after today they gotta have their phone out of their hands..
and just can call back to their family and friends on only saturday..
sighed.. i will be damn boring affirmatively without his accompany..
but no way.. i have to be used to it.. expecting the day u came back..
and to be have fun to play to happy and to laugh together with u =)

though i have said for many times that u must take best care of yourself
but i still have to say it again.. take care of yourself ok?
u know la u this stupid haha coz everything must rely on your own..
i know it would be not tat easy but just do your best!
I BELIEVE IN U! and i know u can do it! =P

Saturday, January 1, 2011


the first day of new year 2011~
haha i doing nothing but just whole day on sms with ahlaw..
he gotta leave to national service at pahang for tomorrow morning..
we gonna be apart for so far.. sighed..
for about half of a year somemore.. it was a long time..
but never mind~ i have your promise! heheh~ =P
u must live up to it a! never have any resistance! never ever!
otherwise u gonna die in my hand for sure when u back! ha!
and no need worry about me.. coz i will be always in good =) hehe!
i do hope that u can come back safe and healthy.. still the same u~
who is stupid foolish dull silly and clumsy~ hahaha! lagi botak~ hoho~
always be careful when u are there.. sleep well eat well and play well~
but keep me in your heart for always lu~ haha!
in order that you wouldnt forget me this fren~ hehe =P
the one who always smarter than u.. can made u going mad haha..
and always offend u even against what u said.. lol..
but there is no way.. i know i gonna miss u for so long..
ga yao la my fren! waiting u here~ =)

BYEBYE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !!!!